class: center middle bg-primary text-light # RemarkJS - CSS Guide <hr class="bg-light"> ## [Hugo Theme | Notebook-Searcher][@1] --- # Features - Bootstrap + Font Awesome - Centered List - Scaled Image - Scrolling - Blockquote - Columnar Layout - Footnote --- # Bootstrap + Font Awesome Bootstrap 4 and Font Awesome 5 are available in slides. <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Bootstrap Button</button> <i class="fab fa-font-awesome-flag"></i> <i class="far fa-kiss-wink-heart"></i> --- # Centered List .blockquote-info[ > ### Guide > Use `` to create a centered list ] .center[ # Example[ - apple - orange - pear ] ] --- class: center # This is a normal image But the image is too .text-danger[**big**] ![image][@2] --- class: center # `img-100` class to set max width to 100% .img-100[![image][@2]] --- class: center # `img-75` class to set max width to 75% .img-75[![image][@2]] --- # Also available ... - `img-50` - `img-25` --- class: center # `scroll` to enable scrolling for long content Use together with `.img-100` and `h-75` to produce a nice overflowed image .img-100.h-75.scroll[ ![image][@2] ] --- # Blockquote .blockquote-primary[ > ### blockquote > This is primary blockquote's content. ] ## Syntax ```md .blockquote-primary[ > #### blockquote > This is primary blockquote's content. ] ``` Available styles: `primary`, `secondary`, `success`, `info`, `warning`, `danger`, `light`, `dark` --- # Two Columns Layout Use Bootstrap's `.row`, `.col` to create columnar layout .row[ .col-6[ - This is column 1 + apple + orange ] .col-6[ - This is column 2 + alpha + beta + see syntax on next slide ] ] --- # Syntax ```md .row[ .col-6[ - This is column 1 + apple + orange ] .col-6[ - This is column 2 + alpha + beta ] ] ``` --- class: row[ ### Sidebar - alpha - beta ] .col-9[ ## Slide with sidebar 1 Note the last sidebar item will be ***bold italic*** ] --- class: row[ ### Sidebar - alpha - beta - gamma ] .col-9[ ## Slide with sidebar 2 See syntax on next slide ] --- class: row[ ### Sidebar - alpha - beta - gamma ] .col-9[ ## Syntax ```md class: row[ ### Sidebar - alpha - beta - gamma ] .col-9[ // This syntax block ... ] ``` ] --- # Footnote This is an example.sup[1] of footnotes.sup[2], link to Google.sup[3] .footnote[ 1. Hello! World. 2. Footnoting is fun 3. ] ## Syntax ``` md This is an example.sup[1] of footnotes.sup[2], link to Google.sup[3] .footnote[ 1. Hello! World. 2. Footnoting is fun 3. ] ``` --- class: center middle bg-info text-light # .text-danger[♥] Thanks .text-danger[♥] <!-- reference links --> [@1]: [@2]: ./1600x1000.jpg [@3]: ./1600x1000.jpg [@4]: ./1600x1000.jpg [@5]: ./1600x1000.jpg