class: center middle # How to use pi camera with buttons and LED <hr/> ## CyrusN --- # Recipe - Raspberry Pi - Keyboard and mouse - Power cable - HDMI cable - Ethernet cable - Pi Camera - Mini Breadboard - LED light bulb - 330 ohms resistor x 1 - Male to female dupont wires x 6 - Male to male dupont wires x 2 --- # Update and upgrade Open Terminal app and enter the following commands ``` sh sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade # Type yes if necessary ``` --- # Reference - [gpiozero — Gpiozero 1.4.1 Documentation]( - [picamera — Picamera 1.13 Documentation]( --- class: center .img-100.scroll[ ![pin-layout](./pin_layout.svg) ] --- class: center middle # Task 1: Connect a button --- # Connect a button .center.img-75[ ![button](./button.png) ] --- # Look inside a Button .center.img-100[ ![button-inside](./button_schema.png) ] --- # Connect a button - [`gpiozero.Button.when_pressed`]( - [How can I keep my script running]( ``` py # import gpiozero and signal library from gpiozero import Button from signal import pause button = Button(2) # define a function call say_hello(), it simply prints the word "hello" def say_hello(): print("Hello!") # when button pressed, it invokes function say_hello() button.when_pressed = say_hello print("The Program is running") pause() ``` --- class: center middle # Copy the code ## Press F5 to run --- class: center middle # Control a LED with button --- class: center middle img-75 # Control a LED with button ![led-button](./button_led.png) --- # Control a LED with button [`gpiozero.LED.toggle`]( ``` py from gpiozero import LED, Button from signal import pause led = LED(17) button = Button(2) button.when_pressed = led.toggle print("The Program is running") pause() ``` --- class: center middle # Copy the code ## Press F5 to run --- class: center middle # Connect to Pi camera --- class: center middle img-75 # Setup ![good-connection](./good_connection.jpg) --- # Raspberry Pi Configuration - Start the Raspberry Pi Configuration utility - Enable the camera module --- # Button control camera - [`gpiozero.Button.when_released`]( - [`picamera.PiCamera.start_preview`]( - [`picamera.PiCamera.stop_preview`]( ```py from gpiozero import Button from picamera import PiCamera from signal import pause button = Button(2) camera = PiCamera() button.when_pressed = camera.start_preview button.when_released = camera.stop_preview print("The Program is running") pause() ``` --- # Button to toggle preview and LED - [picamera.PiCamera.previewing ]( .scroll.img-100.h-75[ ``` py from gpiozero import Button, LED from picamera import PiCamera from signal import pause button = Button(2) led = LED(17) camera = PiCamera() def toggle_preview(): # toggle LED first led.toggle() # toggle preview, "camera.preview is None" means camera is not previewing. if camera.preview is None: camera.start_preview() else: camera.stop_preview() print("The Program is running") button.when_pressed = toggle_preview pause() ``` ] --- class: center middle # Copy the code ## Press F5 to run --- class: center middle # Capture image with button --- # Capture image with button - [``]( - [`datetime.isoformat`]( - [`os.path.join`]( - [`PiCamera.capture`]( --- # Capture image with button ```py from gpiozero import Button from picamera import PiCamera from datetime import datetime from os import path from signal import pause button = Button(2) camera = PiCamera() CAPTURE_DIR = "/home/pi/Desktop" def capture(): now = filename = path.join(CAPTURE_DIR, now + ".jpg") camera.capture(filename) print("Image Captured: ", filename) button.when_pressed = capture print("The Program is running") pause() ``` --- class: center middle # Connect 1 more button on pin 3 --- # Bring all together - set pin 2 as left button - use left button to toggle preview - LED is only on when previewing, - set pin 3 as right button - use right button to capture image - image can only be captured while previewing --- class: center middle # Bring all together .img-50[ ![2_button](./2_button_led.png) ] --- # Bring all together .scroll.h-75.img-100[ ``` py from gpiozero import Button, LED from picamera import PiCamera from datetime import datetime from os import path from signal import pause left_button = Button(2) right_button = Button(3) led = LED(17) camera = PiCamera() CAPTURE_DIR = "/home/pi/Desktop" def capture(): if camera.preview is not None: now = filename = path.join(CAPTURE_DIR, now + ".jpg") camera.capture(filename) print("Image Captured: ", filename) def toggle_preview(): led.toggle() if camera.preview is None: camera.start_preview() else: camera.stop_preview() left_button.when_pressed = toggle_preview right_button.when_pressed = capture print("The Program is running") pause() ``` ] --- class: center middle # Copy the code ## Press F5 to run --- class: center middle # .text-danger[♥] Thank you .text-danger[♥]