- SetoWS_CoE_20170221_public (for EDB Web)
Curriculum design
first year
- learning
- tasks / experiment on suitable topics
second year
- learning
- tasks / experiment on suitable topics
- maybe simple project
third year
- learning (1st term)
- tasks / experiment on suitable topics
- final project (2nd term)
Which topic should be included in the curriculum for students whose age are 12 - 16?
- Concept of Experiments
- fair test
General Science Topics that already in school curriculum, e.g.
- Reaction
- Ray diagram
- etc
- Basic knowledge on Raspberry Pi (each student deserves 1 rpi)
- Basic knowledge on input and output
- Basic programming (Python and Linux environment)
- Software Design
- Basic knowledge on electricity and circuit
- Basic sensors or electronic chip like resistant, capacitor, LED, LDR etc…
- Basic mechanics including motors, joint, gear etc …
- Product Design
- 3D Printing and laser cut
- Drawing (aided with software)
- Ideas (refer to the book named “Computer science distill”)
- Big O notation => counting time and counting memory
- Defining Project Objectives (including scale analysis, technical requirement)
- Basic Knowledge on statistic
- Counting
- Probability
- Logic (True False Table, how to do addition by using logic operator)
- Basic knowledge on ratio, rate, area and volume
- Mathematic Modelling
- Creativity
- Basic knowledge on production cost and profit, especially for mass production.
- Project Management (Division of Labor, man Day, cost, profit, presentation, sale strategy)
- Exam or project?
- 10 Projects Junior students about Raspberry Pi (with cookbook)
- Set up and manage your Raspberry Pi
- Connect the Pi to a network
Work with its Linux-based operating system
- make friend with text-editor
Use the Pi’s ready-made software
Program Raspberry Pi with Python
Control hardware through the GPIO connector
Use Raspberry Pi to run different types of motors
Work with switches, keypads, and other digital inputs
Hook up sensors for taking various measurements
Attach different displays, such as an LED matrix
Create dynamic projects with Raspberry Pi and Arduino
Ratio in ukulele
樂人谷|調律法簡史|巴哈|十二平均律曲集究竟有多不平均|十二平分律分析|西洋歐洲古樂論壇| - 樂人谷